more than just backs

My Treatments

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honest caring professional advice

My training and clinical approach are based on a system of diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of medical conditions.

Every person is different, each the owner of a unique set of characteristics which make them who they are. Occasionally, when things hurt, they need help (when appropriate) to point them towards the right solution.

For your body to function well, its structure must also work well. My aim is to help restore your body to a better state of balance, without the use of drugs or surgery, to reduce your symptoms.

the natural way


My work is based on the principle that an individual’s well-being depends on the skeleton, muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues being in synergy and equilibrium. 

I use touch, physical manipulation, stretching and massage; to improve joint mobility, relieve muscle tension, enhance the blood flow, and nerve supply to tissues, to support the body’s own healing mechanisms.

I provide diagnostic explanations and give advice on posture and exercise, to help aid recovery, to reassure, empower, promote health, and prevent symptoms from reoccurring.

If I can’t help, I can offer alternative treatment options and referrals to other medical professionals.

Treatments you can trust

My patients

My patients include babies, the young, seniors, tradesmen, office professionals, pregnant women, and sporty people.

Patients seek treatment for a wide variety of conditions, including: back, neck and shoulder pain, peripheral joint problems (knees, ankles, feet, elbows and wrists), postural problems caused by driving, pregnancy or work repetitive strain, arthritis, headaches and sports injuries.

Mums bring babies after difficult labour or birth, sometimes with colic or reflux, constant crying – unsettledness, or with sleeping or feeding issues.

Over the past 20+ years in private practice, my best treatment outcomes always come from taking time to listen, properly examine, explain and reassure, treat thoroughly, give advice and follow-up, if needed.